Thursday, February 9, 2012


I saw I photo challenge a few weeks ago and really wanted to enter. Now that I've finally gotten to it, it's probably too late, but I decided to do one anyway. It's supposed to aim at getting over issues you have with yourself in front of the camera. I've done a "Currently" post before, but thought I would share this challenge and what I read about not being afraid of what others think. Just take a picture of yourself that you love and post it. Yeah, you might get that mean commenter ever once in a great while talk about your big nose, or double chin, but why let someone like that get to you? Don't let them hurt you, just move on. There's no reason to dwell on that one negative comment when you have a flood of sweet, nice, and encouraging! xo -Liz

Obsessing over… 
Clean eating. Yeah, I know I'll stop right there.

Working on…
My taxes. Yeah I'm a little behind, and slow.

Thinking about…
All the things I need to finish before the end of the week. Planning a trip. My yoga obsession. The color pink. A sleeping toddler upstairs. My mind works like that.

Valentines Day! Normally I don't care for valentines, other than it being a good excuse to hang out with your significant other. I really don't get a thrill out of flowers and chocolates, and I'm not a lovey dovey kind of person. But this year a few of my friends and family are planning something super fun and different. I just can't wait!

Listening to…

Bananas and raw almond butter

That spring was already here. I know the weathers been pretty great for early February, but it just makes me yearn for spring even more!

1 comment:

  1. You are beautiful, Liz. I love this picture ...but love so many of them.

    I am not supposed to be on FB; I am supposed to be working. I always have to check this just a bit!

    Love ya, Grammy
